


English diary (2020/11/30)

November 30, 2020Should flextime be allowed?Flextime should be allowed.I don't think that working at a fixed time necessarily boost productivity.And I think that I should be free to choose where to work as well.----------------------------…

English diary (2020/11/27)

November 27, 2020Is it good to openly disagree with people at work? That’s a tough one.I think it's good to share my opinion.However, I think we should make an effort to reach out to each other.---------------------------------------------…

English diary (2020/11/25)

November 25, 2020Should bosses be friends with the people under them? They should be friends with the people under them because they need to trust each other.If they aren't on friendly terms, they can't build trust.------------------------…

English diary (2020/11/19)

November 19, 2020Is it good to change jobs frequently? Yes, it is.I think it's good to change jobs what you want to do the work and to grow.However, I think it's important to change jobs with a purpose.-------------------------------------…

English diary (2020/11/18)

November 18, 2020Should companies have a very detailed dress code, or are general rules okay? general rules.Because I think we should work in the clothes that allow us to most focus.It's good to have common sense and not make customers feel…

English diary (2020/11/17)

November 17, 2020Should the dress code be changed during different seasons? Yes, the dress code should be changed during different seasons.I think I'm uncomfortable wearing a suit or jacket in the summer.And I can't focus on my work.Japan …

English diary (2020/11/16)

November 16, 2020Should all employees wear suits at the office? No, all employees should not wear suits at the office.I think that wearing a suit doesn't necessarily mean I can focus on my work.I basically sit in front of a computer all da…

English diary (2020/11/12)

November 12, 2020Should companies ask their employees to do overtime?I think it’s fine to ask employees to do overtime within reasonBecause our customers are paying us, and we need to respond to them.However, we should not work overtime th…

English diary (2020/11/10)

November 10, 2020Should foreign employees be encouraged to learn the language of the country that they work in? I think they should learn because communication is necessary to know each other's culture and to create good relationship. All …

English diary (2020/11/09)

November 09, 2020Should all companies adopt English as their official language? Companies should adopt English as their official language because it will increase the chances of hiring excellent employees overseas, allowing diversity and c…

English diary (2020/11/08)

November 08, 2020I am currently a corporate employee, but in the future I would like to be an independent IT consultant.Because I want to deliver value to my clients from my skills and experiences.I will make it happen.--------------------…


「MBA×コンサルタント」の医師が教える快眠戦略 「一流の睡眠」 www.diamond.co.jp 午後2時から4時の魔の時間を制する ランチ後の午後2時~4時が睡魔に襲われる魔の時間である。この時間に単純作業を行うと睡魔に勝てない。そのため体と口を動かす時間にして…

English diary (2020/11/07)

November 07, 2020I'm going to talk about what I value most in life.It's sincerity.Because I know from experiences that if I act with sincerity , I will gain the trust of others.--------------------------------------------------------------…

English diary (2020/11/06)

November 06, 2020I bought a book called "Junior high school level English vocabulary to speak fluently with native speakers".The book shows how to speak in English with simple words and grammar.I'm going to try it today.-------------------…

English diary (2020/11/05)

November 05, 2020Japanese TV only shows the US Presidential election.This is an important election for Japan as well.Biden has the advantage, but we won't know the result until the end.------------------------------------------------------…

English diary (2020/11/04)

November 04, 2020I'm interested in the U.S. Presidential election.And I think Donald Trump is going to win the election because he's passionate and confident.I'm thinking of learning English by reading his Twitter page.--------------------…


1.AWS Backup 2.ハンズオン 3.感想 1.AWS Backup AWS Backup は、完全マネージド型のバックアップサービスです。プログラムを書かずに運用が自動化できるので早速ハンズオンしてみた。 AWS Backup 2.ハンズオン (1)バックアップ バックアップ手…


1.AWS QuickSight 2.ハンズオン 3.おまけ 1.AWS QuickSight AWSにはデータをグラフや表、そして将来予測までできるサービスがあります。一般的にBI(Business Intelligence)ツールと呼んでいます。Business Intelligenceとは「企業が日々蓄積されてい…