


43日目(BREAK TIME: Review)


Does your team/department usually have lunch meetings?
Yes we do
What is an ideal place for a lunch meeting? 
An ideal place is the company cafeteria
Should companies pay for lunch meeting expenses? Why or why not?
Yes, the company should.(会社が支払うべきだと思います)
Lunch meetings are also part of my job.(ランチミーティングも仕事です)
Who do you usually eat lunch with at work?
I eat lunch with coreworker
Does your team usually go out for dinner after work?
Yes ,we do(はい、出かけます)
We go to the drinking bar after work.
Is it important to spend time with your teammates outside the office? Why or
why not?
Yes, it is.(はい、そう思います。)
We become more active in communication
What other activities outside work do you want to do with your teammates?
 I want to have a barbecue with my family
How do you usually spend your break time?
I drink coffee during break time.
What happens if an employee doesn’t take a break from work?
Employees are very tired.